The Jacobsens

The Jacobsens
Patrick Rebecca Caden Gabriel

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So patrick and I have been working on our blubber we have put on in the last bit. I've always HATED diets...I am just so darn hungry that I can't starve myself. Figured I needed help changing my eating habits and really not the quantity. While deep into my love affair with Rachel Ray every morning, a guest of hers (Dr. Ian Smith) talked about this "Four Day Diet". Four days? RIIIIGGHHHHTT.

The more I watched, the more interested I became. The first four days are more of a cleanse. Not one of those...only drink nasty brown sludge for a actually eat FOOD. Granted it is NATURAL food. Loads of fruit and their natural state. Steaming is okay....plain yogurt is available as well as a yummy cabbage soup. This regime reboots the system and cleans out all the crud your body accumulates from processed foods and unnatural sugars. YOU FEEL GREAT. I feel like I have so much energy! That was always an issue for me when it came to working out. With the kids, I'm always feeling exhausted and run-down. Always blamed it on the kiddos....but this showed me it was more because of what was in my body was slowing me down! Now I HAVE to exercise to burn off some energy! There are other eating plans and lots of recipes in this book as well as a sort of work book that helps you find your reasons for eating the way you do, what your goals are, and how to focus to get the results you want. I really think as I continue with this...I'll just be feeling better and better!

One other thing...Patrick and I, as well as Gabe and Caden, have started taking inner-eco probiotic every morning and it has really made a difference! You think you are even starting a cold and you up the dosage such a little bit and it is GONE. Plus it has really helped curb those sugar cravings by killing off the bad yeast in the intestines. I honestly thought I was just born with a sweet tooth but taking this makes sugar seem a little TOO sweet. It's great! Colorado is chalk full of healthy people and healthy living...guess it is starting to rub off!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

So Patrick, Caden and I went to Disney's "The Princess ad the Frog". It was Caden's first movie in the theaters!!! I was a bit apprehensive as to how he would behave...but why should I? The kid is awesome. He decided to spend the entire movie cuddled on his daddy's lap with his hands buried in the popcorn. He was so enthralled with the film....REALLY enjoyed it. I have always known my little Caden was a tender-heart from the beginning, but he reminded me how empathetic he can be while we were there. Near the end of the film, Ray (my FAVORITE character) ends up dying and taking his place next to his Evangeline. Caden, with big eyes looks at me and asks," are they all so sad, Mom?" Of course I had to answer him, "yes," since all the characters were clearly he then says, " I don't WANT them to be..." and proceeded to burst into some of the BIGGEST tears I have EVER seen. After Ray is seen in the sky next to Evangeline...I told him, "See? Now Ray is happy because he is with the one he loves." Caden then gives me a big hug and says, " I love you, mom. So I'M happy." What the? I'm never letting this kid go. He's mine, ladies, so BACK OFF!!!! It was a great experience but now Caden asks everyday to see "The Princess and the Frog". I think Patrick is going to take him again tomorrow. Anyway, after enjoying that little episode, it made me think how I need to remember the little things and not worry so much over things that I can't control. I have everything I need and everyone. Makes me feel so blessed.