The Jacobsens

The Jacobsens
Patrick Rebecca Caden Gabriel

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So patrick and I have been working on our blubber we have put on in the last bit. I've always HATED diets...I am just so darn hungry that I can't starve myself. Figured I needed help changing my eating habits and really not the quantity. While deep into my love affair with Rachel Ray every morning, a guest of hers (Dr. Ian Smith) talked about this "Four Day Diet". Four days? RIIIIGGHHHHTT.

The more I watched, the more interested I became. The first four days are more of a cleanse. Not one of those...only drink nasty brown sludge for a actually eat FOOD. Granted it is NATURAL food. Loads of fruit and their natural state. Steaming is okay....plain yogurt is available as well as a yummy cabbage soup. This regime reboots the system and cleans out all the crud your body accumulates from processed foods and unnatural sugars. YOU FEEL GREAT. I feel like I have so much energy! That was always an issue for me when it came to working out. With the kids, I'm always feeling exhausted and run-down. Always blamed it on the kiddos....but this showed me it was more because of what was in my body was slowing me down! Now I HAVE to exercise to burn off some energy! There are other eating plans and lots of recipes in this book as well as a sort of work book that helps you find your reasons for eating the way you do, what your goals are, and how to focus to get the results you want. I really think as I continue with this...I'll just be feeling better and better!

One other thing...Patrick and I, as well as Gabe and Caden, have started taking inner-eco probiotic every morning and it has really made a difference! You think you are even starting a cold and you up the dosage such a little bit and it is GONE. Plus it has really helped curb those sugar cravings by killing off the bad yeast in the intestines. I honestly thought I was just born with a sweet tooth but taking this makes sugar seem a little TOO sweet. It's great! Colorado is chalk full of healthy people and healthy living...guess it is starting to rub off!

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to remember to bring it with you in February. I'd be interested in taking a look at it. Have you lost any weight?
